Building Community One Relationship at a Time
The Bible directs all followers of Christ towards unity, calling for the dignity of all human beings as they join together in peace. The sin of racism is a divisive power that denies the value of individuals created in God’s image as well as the harmony and unity that God ordains for society.
Holistic Hardware Unity Matters (“HHUM”) is designed to generate a countervailing power to racism, building community one relationship at a time. HHUM will address the reality that racism is a manifestation in beliefs and practices that elevates one race over others, permeating our churches and communities. HHUM emphasizes that, given their divine anointing and calling, churches have a special responsibility to combat racism and rectify its disproportionate historic impact on African Americans, which has resulted in homelessness, unemployment, incarceration, educational inequity and other indices of poverty.
HHUM’s agenda for church members is that they first study together, then do outreach together. The key is to look within then take action that will result in lasting transformation. The HUMM Bible Study runs once a week for 10 weeks, focusing on one of the Holistic Tools per week. The theme of the Study is the power of unity. The overview of the Study’s content follows:
FAITH TOOL — the power of believing God for miraculous developments of unity, harmony and peace. The priority is for us to realize that our faith sets us apart and gives us the power to change as we make our choices from the “heart” of the Word. More than an isolated tool, we start with faith because it is the vessel that carries along all the tools.
VISION TOOL — the power of casting new vision for present and future relationships. Each study group has the ability to cast the vision of how racial unity would look for their community and how they come into alignment as a collective to pursue that vision.
RESPONSIBILITY TOOL — the power of taking ownership of the past and present in order to shape the future. This means looking at personal and collective responsibility on the issue of race. It is imperative to acknowledge our biases as Jesus advises us: “First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speak from your brother’s eye” (Matthew 7:5).
DISCIPLINE TOOL — the power of improving communication and relationships one day at a time. Here we identify areas of our thought life and
activities that need to come in agreement with scriptural standards and divine purposes.
SELF-ESTEEM TOOL — the power of affirming and embracing identity. Each race/ethnicity needs to be able to see the value that they bring to the community and embrace it. However, in doing so, we must realize the value of “other” – understanding that, in the wisdom of His creation, God made us all with our differences.
ASSOCIATION TOOL — the power of a single new relationship. It is time for to be intentional and expansive in making connection with “others.” Are we content to say within our four walls, our community? How are we cross-pollinating in our churches, events, gatherings, day-to-day? It is also time to identify associations that fuel division, call them out and even disconnect if necessary.
PLANNING TOOL — the power of thinking-outside-of-the-box relational strategy. Formulating the strategic steps to make unity happen is the key. This tool focuses on what needs to be done to implement the other sections. The planning is not only for now but for generations to come.
WORK TOOL — the power of working to cultivate relationships with those different from you. It must be understood that this is hard work, taking much time and effort. The study will emphasize the inner journey of character: work harder on yourself than on anything else to keep from becoming your own worst enemy and from becoming the enemy of others.
WEALTH TOOL — the power of recognizing the role of privilege and its impact on relationships and society as well as the power of wealth creation in fostering personal and social change. How can we partner with each other in wisdom and wealth to help individuals and communities in need make socio-economic advancement?
LOVE TOOL — the power of holistic love — loving self/loving neighbor/loving God — to transform relationships and society. Love closes the study to center its importance. Every tool must be shaped and fueled by love.
The 10-week Bible Study will be aimed at greater clarity among church members on the racial dynamics of the past as well as how to nurture healthier race relations going forward. The goal will be to strengthen the relationships to reach out together doing Kingdom work.
*Holistic Hardware Crisis Coaching Tools can be used in this process.
The overarching purpose of HHUM is to bring people of all races and ethnicities together so that they can heal and contribute equally to society. As ambassadors of reconciliation and instruments of justice, the Body of Christ possesses a unique calling to redress the wrongs of the past, build new community and make human equality — “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” – a reality for all.